Saturday, September 29, 2012

Family Ties

This week we learned about the different types of boundaries and ties in a family.  There's typically a dominate tie between the husband and wife and then a more distinct tie with the children.  There's always going to be a dominate in the family, but not that the dominance is unhealthy, there will be one.  There's usually a distant tie and a tie that can never be broken.

I can say that I am so grateful for my family.  Although we may struggle at times, like any other family, we can always find that perfect amount of love for each other.  No distance can break what my family has.  The Gospel has been such a blessing to have in our lives.  It has guided and directed us closer to each other and our Heavenly Father.  I'm so blessed to be able to live with my family for eternity, and to start my own.  It's times like these that are especially tender and hard because I'm so far away from home (approx. 33 hours).  I love my family so much and miss them!
 Photo credit: Kimber Pogue Photography

Monday, September 24, 2012

As of Lately

It's always difficult the first two weeks of school. You're not sure what your schedule is and trying to squeeze eating, homework, work, and working out in just seems too difficult. Then it doesn't help when you want to have some type of a social life, but that seems to wither away.  

I think this first week was quite a success for me! Not much of an organized schedule, but it was still a good start to school. My schedule is still very demanding but it's totally doable! I'm learning a lot in my classes. Not just the major classes, but my generals as well. It's helped me to open my mind to more things and really enjoy learning.

Over the weekend Daniel (the boyfriend) and I went home to Boise (where he's from) to enjoy a splendid weekend with his family. All the girls (nieces, sister, sister-in-law, mom, and I) partook in a Women's Walk for St. Luke's Hospital. It was a ton of fun and everyone had a blast. We enjoyed the weekend playing games and going to church with the family. Church was amazing as usual, but we were all a little sleepy. Here are a few photos from our weekend. (Pictures:Women's Walk, Daniel and his sweet niece Kortnee because they matched for church, awesome roommate got me a ukulele *pink*).

Thursday, September 13, 2012

For Class

I'm taking a few major classes this semester along with some generals.  I'm super excited to see what this semester will bring along with all the challenges.  My classes all seem awesome, so far, that is until I'm up to my neck in homework.  My teachers all rock and the work is a lot but so beneficial.  

For one of my major classes (Family Relations) we are to have a blog and keep tabs throughout the semester on how our lives and classes are going.  I'm thrilled to be posting about the good and not so good of the semester here. Throughout this blog I hope to provide some spiritual insight and advice that can not only benefit me, but readers as well.  There will be PLENTY of personal experiences and updates on this blog. 

I hope y'all enjoy this and follow!