Well, to get on with what class has been like, we learned recently that there are actual Laws of Attraction. Of course, they're unspoken laws, and some people may not even recognize that these things apply to their lives. There propinquity: it's related to proximity and where the opposite sex lives that makes them more attractive in a sense that they want to live close to each other. There's the obvious of physical attraction. Another one is similarity. Yes, we hear that "opposites attract" and it is true. In the same way we like to find things in one another that are alike because it's comfortable and recognizable. Where you can be opposite in other categories, similarity is something that is looked for and something you're used to.
- Relationship Attachment Model:
- know
- trust
- rely
- commit
- touch
- This model applies to those dating to engagement to marriage
There are 4 different types of love: Agape-love for fellow man Philios- brotherly love Eros-passionate/romantic and Storge-parent to child.
The next class post will be this weekend and it will be about how to prepare for marriage and respect towards one another.
My Life Lately!
It's been rough because a lot has been going on with my family at home and my sister Ambr is home from Hawaii! She has my baby niece there with her (Madison) and I've never met her before! She is a doll though, and we have been Skyping for the sake of me staying sane. My friend Amanda came and visited for a weekend. It snowed here and it was beautiful! Usually I have a hard time with the snow because it's really windy here, but the snow was perfect and it wasn't windy! My roommates and I ran through the snow barefoot like my family tradition. We had a ward Halloween party which totally rocked. I had so much fun at it. Life has just been rollin' lately.
Ward Halloween Party
Skyping my beautiful niece Maddie
Running through the snow barefoot!
Photo credit: Kimber Loryn Pogue Photography